Triail Socrúcháin Teanga (Language Placement Test)

Undescribed Question Writer Quiz

Iarrfar ort do chuid sonraí teagmhála a chur isteach ar dtús agus ní féidir leat bogadh ar aghaidh go dtí go bhfuil siad seo líonta isteach. <br><br><i> You will first be asked to enter your contact details and you cannot proceed until you have entered these details.</i> </p> Nuair atá na sonraí líonta isteach agat, cliceáil "Ar aghaidh" (an tsaighead thíos) chun tús a chur leis an triail socrúcháin teanga. <br><br><i>When you have entered your contact details, click "Ar aghaidh" (arrow below) to proceed to the test.</i>

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